Long Wearing Cosmetics


LipSense Products

Experience the difference. LipsDiva is a SeneGence® independent distributor. We specialize in cosmetics. LipSense® is our wow product because it stays on 4 to 12 hours. We also have products for your skin, for your face, for your body, for your nails and for your eyes.

When we started our cosmetics business 10 years ago, we did not have any experience. Just the desire to work from home and spend more time with the family. If this is something you aspire to, please visit the Career section and find out about how to join the team.SeneGence® is a multi-faceted, international corporation that is committed to making a positive contribution to women everywhere.

Mission Statement:

To empower women around the world with a career that really works using products that really work.

SeneGence® is dedicated to the health and success of its Distributors and Customers by supporting them with the highest standards of ethics, products, and technology available. SeneGence® also promotes the concept and execution of "SeneSenergy," meaning to abundantly empower others to promote success and growth, and in doing so, re-energizing your own.

What is SeneGence?

Senescence + Intelligence + Synergy = SeneGence

Senescence: The process of aging.
Intelligence: The capacity to acquire and apply knowledge.
Synergy: The working together of two things to produce an effect greater than the sum of their individual effects.
SeneGence: Long-lasting and anti-aging products that really work!

SeneGence® is a privately owned, network marketing company that is in the business of developing and selling personal care products through an independent sales network. In April 1999, SeneGence® started with LipSense® Liquid Lip Color as its premier product. Initially, only six lip colors, a moisturizing lip gloss and a lip color remover were offered. SeneGence® now has a complete line of long-lasting cosmetic colors, anti-aging skincare, body care and hair care products as well as accessories and boutique items.

© Copyright 2001-2024 LipsDiva LipSense   K L Lewis  Crystal Accessories  Versign Member DSA Member